CDS Information Session on

A career in Data Science: Skills required to be a Data Scientist

October 12,2019, 5.30-7:30 P.M

CDS is a six-month live classroom program Founded by scientist and researchers trained at MIT, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, British Columbaia,ISI Kolkata,IIT Kanpur and former Wall Street Quants at Goldman Sachs, Financial Risk Management Specialist at KPMK New York. CDS program is designed to help established and aspiring professionals advance in Data Science, Data Engineering role. The program now offers Python and R Primer, a solid foundation in mathematics and statistics required to be data-scientist and advanced electives in specialist areas. Find out more about this industry-respected professional qualification and your career options.

What is covered in a session?
  • All sessions consist of a one-hour presentation by the CDS Program Director followed by a Q&A
  • Live information sessions include refreshments and you can network with fellow professionals

To register for the Seminar: Please click the link below to fill the form and register. Or Whats App at 9620222633

Contact us for more information

Your Name

Your Email

Your Phone Number



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Section 1 Personal details

Send us your message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. THE INFORMATION YOU SUPPLY ON THIS FORM WILL BE TREATED WITH CONFIDENCE.

Section 2 Occupations

Section 3 Education

Qualifications obtained from schools, colleges and universities. Please list the highest qualification first:

Section 4 Technical or Scientific Qualifications

Please give details of any programming or technical training you have taken outside of your college/university degree:

Course descriptions

Section 5 Personal Statement, Skills and Training

Please check the boxes for the skill you have some level of familiarity. Note that we do not expect you to have all of these topics and this is simply to determine whether you have some familiarity with some programming language and mathematics.

Programming Languages:



Computer Science:

Section 6 Declaration

Preferred payment options:

Statement to be Signed by the Applicant
I hereby certify that all the information provided by me on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.