Looking to enter or advance an exciting career in data science?

This is the course for you! The data science industry boasts the highest number of opportunities in today's global economy. Data science jobs requires hands-on, practical skills with a well-rounded knowledge on mathematics, machine learning, statistics, algorithms, data-structure and programming, big-data systems and data visualization techniques. In this unique program, instructors teach these skills during live interactive classes. Classes are taught using a combination of the following: formulation of problems, modeling and designing solutions on the whiteboard, and explaining with screen-sharing while programming and debugging.

Unique program: highly industry focused

  • Comphrensive Data Science and Engineering Training
    • CDS course prepares the students for successful careers in data science and engineering. CDS provides a well-rounded training in AI and machine learning methods required in industry.
    • CDS also trains the student in the necessary knowledge in programming, mathematics, statistics and computer science required to be a data scientist.
    • Our classes teaches machine learning, programming, mathematics, statistics and computer science in a holistic manner. As result, our students will aquire hands-on experience as required in industry.
  • Extensive Private Tutoring and Mentoring
    • Every student has a unique level of training and experience. Therefore, we provide personalized mentoring and tutoring to provide higher quality learning experience an individual level.
    • The instructors with provide extensive feedback on home assignments.
    • Our home assignments are based on practical problems and hands-on implementation, for which we train the sudents in R, Python and other related programming methods.
    • Our instructors provide extensive feedback and hand holding support in the programming assignments.
    • In CDS, our instructors guide the student to complete an industry focused project on data science
  • World Class Data Science Training at Home
    • We hold live lectures and also provide with recorded lectures.
    • Our classes are held during weekends to allow working-professinoals to attend the classes
  • Highly Experience Instructor
    • World class instructors with academic background from MIT, Harvard, University of British Columbia, ISI Kolkata and IIT Kanpur with work experience in Wall Street, Fortune 500 companies, such as, Goldman Sachs (computational finance), KPMG (financial risk management) and derivative pricing).
    • Our istructors are experts in machine learning, programming, mathematics, statistics and computer science and regularly consults companies on data science projects in North America and Europe. They trained and mentored students with 100% success rate with subsequent placement in Google, Twitter, KMPG, Amazon in USA.
    • The instructors have substantial experience in developing and architecting complex software tools in various programming languages, which flowered into full-fledged business.
    • Our instructors are have published over international 60 papers, and holds US patents. They have multiple degrees in mathematics, statistics, and computer science, computational finance, risk modelling.
High Level Course Modules
Module Description
Foundation Module: Python and R Primer for Certificate in Data Science (CDS) Recorded sessions on basics of Python and R for data scientists and machine learning.
Module-1: Statistics and Mathematics Foundations Foundations of mathematics, probability and statistical methods for data science. This module will cover the mathematical basics, such as, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability, statistical inference, etc.
Module-2: Big Data Analysis with Python and R We will cover the application of Python and R libraries (e.g., PyTorch, Keras, Tensorflow) for solving various machine learning algorithms that are used in the data science industry. We will also cover GPU based machine learning libraries.
Module-3: Numerical Methods for ML and AI Machine learning algorithms employes a wide range of sophisticated numerical methods, such as least squares optimization, stochastic gradient descent, matrix decompositions, etc. In this module we will cover the theory and implementations details of these methods.
Module-4: Machine Learning and AI Methods in Data Science The theory and implementation of various machine learning and AI algorithms will be covered. The module starts with simple machine learning algorithms such as K-means, linear and logistic regression, artificial neural network, backpropagation to more advanced and modern methods like deep learning, such as convolutional neural networks, autoencoders, variational autoencoders.
Module-5: Big Data Engineering We will cover theory, along with hands-on practicals on big Data processing methods, Hadoop, Spark, RDD's in Spark, data frames & Spark SQL, Spark streaming, MLib & GraphX, Spark-MLib, Spark-GraphX, Zookeeper, HBase, Pig, Hive, Oozie, Flume
Module-6: Project and Thesis Work A complete data science project where the students will create a model for solving a industry-based project, implement and make it work with real data. Projects are in topics such as recommendation systems, sentiment analysis, spam filtering, marketing data, prediction in market, sales forecasting, etc.